An Introduction
February 23, 2019 | Thoughts | No Comments

Hi, and welcome to Rural Dreams blog!
We are Trevor and Jess, a forty-something couple living in zone 2/3 prairie Canada (on the verge of the boreal forest) with a couple of kids and a collection of critters. Jess blogged about moving to the country and our early experiences with gardens, chickens, and goats at WordPress for a long time, but that kind of trailed off when the babies came along. They are older, now, and we’ve decided to start sharing our experiences again.
We both grew up in cities, so moving to the country came with a steep learning curve. We really jumped in with both feet, and, in our first year, ended up with 50 chickens, 4 goats, a huge garden, and a couple of alpacas. It was overwhelming, and we’ve pared back, especially once the babies came along.
Right now, we’ve got around 35 chickens, some dogs and cats, a couple of garden areas (much smaller than the original huge field garden), a small-but-growing orchard, perennial beds, and some smaller experimental planting areas where we try out various ideas. We’re exploring permaculture, seed saving, food preserving, and growing herbs. Now that the children are a bit more independent, we are able to expand (rather than just trying to keep from going under!), and at a point where experimenting and blogging are realistic again!